Most of my fishes have grown out of my 2.5feet tank and joining the big guys in the 5x2x2 except for my albino pacu, so I decided to use this 2.5feet to rear and probably breed some plecos!
Read up about their water conditions as well as their other husbandry needs and decided to take the plunge. However, my kind neighbor (Ziwei) offered to "lend" me some of his Common Bristle Nose Pleco
(Ancistrus sp.). With them, I can gain some experience and not burn a hole in my pocket by diving straight into the more exotic and difficult plecos.
Here's a picture of the setup I've done up just now, did a 70% water change and will be adding activated carbon to remove any residual chemicals used to quarantine my new fishes. :)

I will probably go get myself a small school of Cardinal tetras and some anubias (nanas) to light up this tank more. (keeping my fingers crossed that the pacu won't try to eat the cardinals)