Many told me that small Tigs are very sensitive to water parameters, however, I beg to differ. My Tig was kept (and is still currently kept) in a 2.5 ft by 1.5ft by 1.5ft tank. With a Hang-on-filter (HOF) and an air pump. It is with 2 tin-foil barbs (4") and an Hydrolycus armatus (now at 8"). It was really easy to train it with Market Prawn and Sutchi Fillet. I spear the MP or Sutchi on a Satay stick and wave it in front of it's mouth and it would bite it.
When I started working, there's no time to hand feed it with dead food so I converted to feeders. Now, it's almost impossible to turn it back to feeding MP and Sutchi.
A picture of my Tig in May 2011

And a picture of it now at 10" (October 2011).

I notice that they like to stay at one corner and guard it rather fiercely from other fishes. When my old Synodontis tried to hide under it's driftwood, it kept biting the Synodontis until it gave up sharing the spot with my Tig! LOL
Information of Brachyplatystoma tigrinum
South America: Amazon River basin.
Climate / Range
Tropical; 22°C - 26°C
Max length : 60.0 cm
Credits to fishbase.org
Anyway, I'd drop by Natural View Aquarium today to get my weekly booze of big feeder goldfish. They do sell some exotic fishes (Polypterus / Myleus / Stingrays etc) even though they specialize in Arowanas.
Natural View Aquarium
Blk 684 Hougang Ave 8 #01-953
Singapore 530684
Contact Person: David
Tel: 6343 7638
Hours: 8.30am to 9pm Mon - Sat; 8.30am to 8pm
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